Avalon Engineering's co-founders are Jim Hogenson and Mark Clark. Jim has been in the contract design business since 1987. Mark joined the industry in 1993 when Mark and Jim first began working together at another contract design company. Control Solutions, Inc., was spun off in 1995. Jim and Mark decided to get back into the contract design business in 2003, forming Avalon Engineering, LLC, at that time.
Avalon Engineering originally provided contract design services for virtually anything involving embedded microprocessor based control. When not busy designing products for a contract customer, Avalon's engineers were busy developing products for Control Solutions. Over time, the Control Solutions product line became the primary focus, and that remains the primary focus today.
The highly targeted focus of Avalon Engineering now provides a means of very rapid product development by utilizing the base of off-the-shelf products already developed. Engineering efforts focus on finding a best fit, then tailoring that product to the specific customer requirements.